Where Can I Sell My Old Gold Jewelry?
By: Kelly York
Where can you sell your old gold jewelry? Ben David Jewelers will pay cash for gold, but they also offer a consignment service to sell your old jewelry. Your old jewelry might be very valuable, more than its gold scrap value.
Lorelei Infinity Right Hand Diamond Ring by Hearts on Fire
If the reason you want to sell your gold jewelry is because it is broken, Ben David Jewelers has the cure. They repair broken gemstone settings, clasps that have come apart or fallen off, broken chain links and other problems with jewelry. They can even switch out gemstones to one you like better or change a part of the ring, pendant or bracelet to look the way you want it to look. So, all is not lost if the issue is jewelry in need of repair. Just stop by and our master jeweler will take a look at it.
Chocolate Diamonds offset by White Diamonds by Le Vian
Gold jewelry is worth its weight in gold. You can sell Ben David Jewelers your old jewelry for gold scrap and sell the gemstones, also. If the ring, pendant or bracelet is an antique or a highly praised designer, then your gold jewelry might have additional value. In that case, Ben David Jewelers might offer to sell it on consignment for you.
Where Can I Sell My Old Gold Jewelry?
Sometimes it is nice to clean out the old jewelry box. Getting rid of clutter helps the mind as well as the organization of your accessories and jewelry. Of course, you don’t just throw away the gold jewelry that you no longer wear. So, where can you sell your old gold jewelry?