Ring Sizing To Make Sure That Ring Will Fit
By: Kelly York
Ring sizing isn’t as difficult as you might think. If you’re going to buy a ring for someone then you will need their ring size. Here are some ideas that can help you get it right the first time out.
Ring Sizing Chart
Our ring size chart above makes it easy to find out her ring size. All you are going to need is a strip of paper and a ruler. You can make a game out who has the bigger finger. Wrap a strip of paper around your finger and tear it where the end meets the paper. Then measure her finger the same way. Wrap the paper around her finger and tear it where the end meets the paper. Put the strips of paper together and the longer paper wins the fatter finger contest. Slip her paper in your pocket to measure later.
If you don’t have a ruler that measures in millimeters, you can find one on the Internet. Right click to save the ruler to your desktop then print it. Use it to measure the length of her strip of paper. Millimeters are the most accurate for ring sizing. But, inches will work well enough. Compare the measurement to the chart above. That is her ring size. Keep in mind that there are many variables with ring size. It is really best that the jeweler sizes her finger.
Black and White Loops Ring by Le Vian
Ring Sizing
When you are going to pop the big question or just buying a diamond dinner ring for your girlfriend, getting the size right helps a lot. If the ring is far too big for her then she might lose it. Of course she’ll get it sized, but in the meantime she is probably going to wear it and show it off. If you choose a ring that is close to her ring size then that will help a lot. But how do you accomplish ring sizing at home?