Homemade Jewelry Cleaner Makes Jewelry Like New
By: Kelly York
There are many homemade jewelry cleaner recipes out there on the Internet. The problem is, many of them can damage your rings, necklaces and earrings. Be sure to use a safe method when you clean jewelry at home to prevent losing your gemstones or damaging the finish of the precious metals.
Chocolate and White Diamond Ring by Le Vian
For a thorough cleaning of your rings, necklaces, bracelets and brooches at home, use this simple and easy homemade jewelry cleaner.
First, make sure there is a hair catcher in your sink drain that will catch any fallen gemstones or jewelry. You don’t want to lose any jewelry down the drain!
Next, fill a little bowl with warm (not hot) water and add a drop or two of Dawn Dishwashing Liquid. This detergent is great at removing greasy dirt and grime from jewelry easily. Soak your jewelry in the solution for 10 minutes then very gently rub a baby’s soft toothbrush all over the jewelry.
Necklace #SUUB99 by Le Vian Jewelers
Put your sudsy jewelry in a little strainer and rinse it. Hold each piece up to the light and inspect it to make sure no gemstones are loose and all the grime is off, especially the backside of the gems. Pat dry with a clean towel and it should sparkle like new.
Homemade Jewelry Cleaner
Those sonic devices that are sold to consumers to clean their jewelry should not be used, oddly enough. They are far too powerful for constant use. They are really meant for very dirty jewelry pieces. For home use you want to just give it a quick clean and your jewelry isn’t usually that dirty all the time. So, avoid those little, handy machines.