Diamond care is a subject where glamorous women are well versed. You’re wearing diamonds because you want their beautiful sparkles to envelope you. They are beautiful in themselves, but they make you even lovelier that you are without them. But, to keep that sparkle alive, you need to properly care for these gems.
50 Shades of Green Diamond Jewelry by Le Vian
Diamond Care
If you practice great diamond care then your diamonds will take great care of you with their constant glittery sparkling. You need to learn to properly handle them, store them and clean them. See our blog post on making a
Homemade Jewelry Cleaner for Your Engagement Ring to learn about cleaning.
Solitaire Engagement Rings by Hearts on Fire
When you are not wearing your jewelry, you need to properly store it to prevent scratches and chips. Keep each piece of diamond jewelry in its own bag. Keep these bags in a jewelry box that has a fabric lining with compartments. This will prevent rings, pendants and bracelets from banging into each other causing damage.
Aerial Diamond Bracelet by Hearts on Fire
When to wear your diamond jewelry and when not to wear your diamond jewelry, that is the question. If you’re cleaning house, swimming in a chlorinated pool or ocean, relaxing in a hot tub or fixing the old jalopy, do not wear your jewelry. Chemicals like Chlorine can damage diamonds. You can chip a diamond if you hit it just right, so hard labor in diamonds is a no-no. Swimming in a natural body of water seems like it couldn’t harm anything, right? Unfortunately, that ocean or lake might take it from you. It is very common for a woman to take a dip in the ocean and never realize the ocean lifted her earrings and ring, making off with it forever. She’ll return home and discover her jewelry is missing.
Ben David Jewelers
Stop by Ben David Jewelers anytime to have a little extra diamond care. They will clean your jewelry and check the gemstone settings to make sure they are all still tightly holding your diamonds. Be good to your diamonds and they will keep you looking fabulous.