Bourbon And Boweties Locations In Danville VA
By: Kelly York
Bourbon and Boweties locations in Danville, VA, have one extraordinary location: Ben David Jewelers. Ben David Jewelers is an authorized retailer of genuine Bourbon and Boweties bangle bracelets.
Amethyst Color Bangle by Bourbon and Boweties
You can email the company to ask where a retailer is near you, if you are not in the Danville, VA, greater area. The Bourbon and Boweties website allows you to contact them and also browse and shop their beautiful designs. But, of course, it is always better to come into the Ben David Jewelers store in person so that you can see, touch and try on the bracelets to see what looks best on you.
Deep Red Bangle by Bourbon and Boweties
But, the logo isn’t the only popular bangle. There are so many colorful stones and beads that are made into bangles by this company that it is difficult to choose just a few popular ones. Their bracelets go from the oddly unique like spent shotgun shells to metal beads and stones.
Bourbon and Boweties Locations
Bourbon and Boweties locations are found around North America and are beginning to show up around the world. These popular bangle bracelets started as just local southern fare for jewelry stores and department stores in the southern states of the US. But, the handmade artisan designs grew in popularity quickly and more and more stores wanted to carry them.
Popular Bourbon & Boweties Bracelets
Some of the more popular Bourbon and Boweties bracelets include the pewter Bourbon and Boweties logo. Women love the brand so much that they want to proudly wear the Bourbon and Boweties coin logo bangle. You know a company is successful when the fact that a person owns their bracelet becomes bragging rights.